At This Simple Home
How to Make Butter Slime
My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful
second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime
1-2 Chronicles Bible Commentary
As a Christian, I feel that the Bible is my's the way I get to know God, His ways, and His desires for me. The Bible gives me God's own words to teach me His ways.
Psalm 25:4-5 states, "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." (NIV)
Well, if I really believe that I should be reading, and even studying, God's Word. I am not a pastor, Sunday school teacher, or seminary student. But if I am going to learn more in my faith, then I need to be connecting with God through Bible study. I had never used a true Bible commentary, nor did we own one, until Tyndale provided me with 1-2 Chronicles (Cornerstone Biblical Comme,ntary)
New Living Translation copy to review. Though I have been using this commentary, I should point out that I have not read it cover to cover to study 1-2 Chronicles.
First and Second Chronicles are not books in the Bible that I have studied in depth. Recently, I have been using the commentary to help me better understand it though. The 1-2 Chronicles Bible Commentary
is extremely thorough in every sense of studying these books of the Bible, as I suspect all commentaries are.
For well over ten years, I have been reading and using The Life Application Study Bible
(NIV) for most of my Bible study. Just over a year ago, we got the MacAurthur Study Bible
(NKJV) to read, as well. Both of these Bibles have excellent reputations, and I highly recommend both of them. Despite all that they do to help a person understand a passage, often a bit (or a lot) more depth is needed for a full understanding. That is when a trusted Bible commentary would be helpful.
This commentary includes a lengthy (appropriately so) introduction to First and Second Chronicles that includes information including (but not limited to) author, date and occasion of writing (with timeline), audience, canonicity and textual history, literary concerns, major themes, theological concerns, and an outline. That's just the introduction!
The commentary itself includes Scripture (a chapter or so at a time) in boldface text with verses labeled, just like in a regular Bible. Also included for each passage are some footnotes, notes, commentary, and end notes. Charts, tables, and maps help with further understanding.
I do recommend the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary for 1-2 Chronicles
, written by Mark J. Boda for anyone looking to dig deeply into this book of the Bible that is often overlooked. I also suggest taking the time to learn how to navigate this commentary before diving into the study!
Thank you, Tyndale, for providing me with a copy to review.
This Simple Home (The New Blog)
How to Make Butter Slime
My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful
second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime
1 comment:
HARD to talk about a commentary, isn't it? I enjoying reading your thoughts on this and agree on all points.
Hope you were able to make progress on your house today!
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