Upon entering this scene, I said, "This doesn't look like nap time."
My five year old responded, "It's a rest time-play date!"
They were loving Little Golden Books that were kept in a lovely, old suitcase at Grandma and Grandpa's. M was reading to her brother. What's a mom to do?
Can someone please explain to me how it is that my kids get along so perfectly during-but only during-nap times??
How to Make Butter Slime
My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful
second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime
ha ha ha ha, my kids would argue that too.
Well, if they spend that time arguing they KNOW they'll have to take a nap, separately. Everyone can play nicely when they DON"T want to go to sleep. Even us big people. (Although I typically prefer the sleep, thanks.)
That is SO cute!!!
What a wonderful moments! I love the picture! I have started to let my son read during quiet time!
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