Today I am excited to let you choose a couple of books for our giveaway. I hope you are enjoying the celebration week! Don't forget to check out the other giveaways, too!
I have really enjoyed working with the folks at Zonderkidz to review books. Of course, we've purchased plenty of their titles and have even received some as gifts. Even if you don't have children of your own, these would make a great gift!!

One of my all-time favorite children's Bibles belongs in every home. It is the Jesus Storybook Bible
. It's written by Sally Loyd-Jones. The reason I love this Bible is because every story points to Jesus. The only thing that could make this children's Bible better would be more stories!! You can read my review here, (and the Bible was NOT provided for review purposes).
Now, quite honestly, I am not a huge fan of all the princess stuff that is available (sometimes in-your-face-style) for my daughter. However, we do pretend play, and that includes princess-type play. I was actually impressed with the Princess Parables books that were sent to us. The focus is NOT on the princesses, though. Each of these books shares a different tale similar to the parables that Jesus told. Included in each book is also the actual Scripture and story that Jesus told making it even easier for children to understand how the Princess Parable is similar to the Jesus Parable. These books are written by Jacqueline Johnson and illustrated by Jeanna Young.
Princess Grace and the Little Lost Kitten
tells the tale of how Grace finds a litter of kittens. After vowing to
care for them, one of the kittens becomes lost. Just as Jesus told of the shepherd leaving the other sheep behind, Princess Grace does all she can to find that lost kitten.
In Princess Joy's Birthday Blessing
, the sisters plan a surprise birthday party for Joy. Unfortunately, none of the princes and princesses can come to the party. When Joy learns this, she wants to invite all the ordinary children of the village to the party...and she is indeed, blessed!
I did notice that in both of these books, though the princesses are blessed to be daughters of the king, there is no mention of the queen. (Maybe this is to keep our focus on God? I'm not sure. But it was very noticeable to me.) Overall, I do like the cute illustrations, however, in Princess Joy, there is an illustration of a long line of children who are coming to the party. It clearly shows the first ten or so children. The rest of the children in line (less than ten children) are shown as gray silhouettes. Though children may not notice this, I found it to be distracting in these colorful pictures!

Princesses are not for everyone, especially boys. However, even my daughter thinks knights are worthy of
her attention! Karen Kingsbury has a new picture book out called Brave Young Knight
. It's the tale of a young knight who is smart, strong, and fast. However, in the king's competition, he gets beat every time by the other knights because he plays by the rules. In the end, his honesty is rewarded. I love everything about this book, and my daughter requests it often. It's illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard.
Zonderkidz is offering one Live, Learn, Love reader their choice of TWO of these titles! I definitely recommend all and any of them!
Just leave a comment below telling me which two titles you would choose if you are the winner! Make sure I have a way to contact you through email or your blogger profile.
Extra Entries: Leave a separate comment for each entry.
~ Follow Live, Learn, Love.
~ Blog (once) about our celebration week.
Giveaway open through April 19th.
Thank you, Zonderkidz, for providing the Princess Parables and Brave Young Knight for review purposes and offering a reader the chance to some great books, too!
I would love to win "Jesus Storybook Bible" and "Princess Joy's Birthday Blessing". Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!
I follow ur blog.
I am a long time follower!
I would choose the Karen Kingsbury book for my boys and Princess Joy's Birthday Blessing for my nieces.
I sent in a friend request on facebook. :)
I would love to win the Jesus Storybook Bible and The Brave Young Knight, since I don't have any girls. :)
I'm a follower.
I liked you on Facebook.
I blogged.
The Jesus Bible sounds great for both my ungsters. My daughter would love the Princess and the lost kitten!
I am also a fan on facebook...
...and a follower of your blog through email :) sadly, I do not have a blog, too!
Oh, I would choose the two princess titles! Stocking up on girl titles around here. =)
I follow LLL!
AND I'm a fan on FB! =)
I would choose the Jesus Storybook Bible and Brave Young Knight. Thanks!
feltyfun at gmail
I follow in gfc!
feltyfun at gmail
I like you on fb
feltyfun at gmail
princess grace and the lost kitten & the brave young knight. thanks for the chance!
follow via gfc (LisaMarie)
I'd like to win the Jesus Storybook, my nephews would love it
I follow
I would choose the Knight book and the Princess birthday book.
I follow you gfc.
I'd choose
princess Grace
Brave Young Knight
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I am a gfc follower
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Prince Grace and Princess Joy for us!
They sound great! I would pick the Jesus Storybook bible and The Brave Knight.
I'm a follower of your blog
I would just LOVE the knight book! My two little boys are always playing with makeshift swords and storming the castle, and the Jesus story book bible would be great to have for Sundays. Great giveaway!
C would love that knight book and R would love the princess birthday book.
You have had great giveaways all week! What a great way to celebrate your news.
I'd love the two princess books for my princess!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I would love to win the Storybook Bible and the Brave Young Knight. Thank you for the entry! :)
I would choose The Jesus Storybook Bible
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
You have such fantastic giveaways. I would love to have The Jesus Storybook Bible and Brave Young Knight.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
Trinity Rose
wandaelaine at gmail dot com
I'm a new follower and am so glad to have found you.
Many blessings,
Trinity Rose
wandaelaine at gmail dot com
The Jesus Storybook Bible
Brave Young Knight
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