The Beginner's Bible has all sorts of versions of Bibles for children appropriate for a variety of ages. Previously, I shared a book set for beginning readers. (Click for review.) Today I get to share about an animal based board book set. It is The Beginner's Bible Animal Adventures: A Board Book Collection. Published by Zonderkidz, the Animal Adventures is a set of four quality board books with the familiar Beginner's Bible illustrations that children enjoy so much.
The Lion's Big Sleepover (and Daniel's Scary Night) is the story of how Daniel was put in the lions' den. It tells how Daniel prays and is protected by an angel, and it ends with the king wanting to tell others about Daniel's God.
Little Lamb's Big Scare (and the Shepherd's Great Care)
is the parable of the lost sheep. The shepherd calls out the to the lost sheep to stop playing hide-and-seek, which helps bring it down to a child's level.
Fish's Big Catch (and Jonah's Second Chance)
is the basic retelling of how Jonah disobeyed God's instructions to go to Nineveh and was swallowed by a big fish. Of course, in the end Jonah did obey.
Elephant's Big Ride (and Noah's Stormy Adventure)
shares the story of Noah, focusing on the animals. It's a cute book, but I would have liked more of the biblical facts to be included because even a two year old can enjoy learning about 40 days and 40 nights.
Zonderkidz recommends these books for ages 2-5 (and even 1). I would recommend them for ages 2-4 due to the simplified stories. In my opinion, these make great introductions to these Bible stories, but four and five year olds may be disappointed that some of the details are left out. The simple text is perfect for younger children though, especially an animal lover.
Please note: Images shown here are based on purchasing the individual books with the interesting shapes. In this set, all the books are rectangular with two rounded corners.
Thank you, Zonderkidz for providing me with a review copy of this book set!
We inherited a set like this from my sister-in-law who received them when she was 2. I think I'd agree with your age limit, perhaps even saying ages 1-3 because the stories ARE simplistic enough. Definitely not five though! I agree!
We've had the Jonah one since hte boys were little and it's always been a hit.
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