ANY book can encourage speech, and highly repetitive ones are great for filling in the blanks. (Brown bear, brown ____, what do you ___? I see a red bird looking at ___.) We also use books to label objects and characters. Colors and shapes. Counting and rhyming. Books have been a great help in helping M learn to talk, but not all children respond to books the same way. Though our daughter has always enjoyed books, she did not respond to them with sounds (the way I spoke of above) until quite recently...the last six months or so.
We have a few books that M returns to over and over again that encourage speech...simple words and phrases that are enticing to her as a 3 year old with a speech disorder. These books are great books, but especially good for anyone who wants to increase sounds and words from a child.
Zip! Pop! Hop
! ($1.29 at Amazon!) actually talks about fun words. It begins,
"Elmo likes fun words. Would you like to say some fun words with Elmo? Say zipper. Now stretch it out: z-z-z-z-ZIPPER. Words with z's make your mouth feel fizzy." M really likes this book, and did long before she could say any of the words (other than pop). It's fun and cute. Most importantly, it encourages speech.
Richard Scarry's Splish-Splash Sounds
is a great book. It goes around Busytown and you see all sorts of labeled illustrations with their sounds. You see things like "bang," "owww-ee," "ring," and tons more. M really likes this book! She labels the objects in the pictures and tells me the sounds.
Oink, Moo, How Do You Do
? is a rhyming book of animal sounds. It's quite cute. It taught M the word "shoo!" when the farmer says, "Scat, shoo! Away with you!"
You might remember quite some time ago when I was all excited to learn about the
Speak With Me books. (Click to see more of what I said and where to find them.) These were the first books that I was aware of that were designed for speech development
We also the book
Grandma Rabbitty's Visit that had a lot of fun words for M to say in it. (Click the link to read my review.)
I have another book to share with you called
The Big Book of Exclamations
; it is a truly unique book, and it
deserves its own post. It is designed and written by a speech pathologist and is specifically designed to promote speech development and the imitation of sounds, gestures, and words! I will share about this book soon. We just got it, and I already think it's a great resource for young children or those who have a speech delay/disorder.