Now blogging at THIS SIMPLE HOME.

At This Simple Home
How to Make Butter Slime - My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime recipe...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Another Speech Update
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Little Box
First I covered it in green paint that I had mixed. I'm not a big fan of painted wood (especially in pastel colors), so my solution was to break up the green. I dry-brushed a bright/dark blue on the green.
To dry-brush, I dipped the brush in the blue paint. Then I removed most of the paint on a paper towel. Then I lightly touched the brush to the box over and over again. It was fun for me.
The finishing touch required the help of my Craft Night friends at church. They bring a Cricut machine to cut letters each time we get together. I used the Cricut to cut the "M." I really liked the boxed effect. (It's all one piece.)
I used Mod Podge for the first time to attach the "M." I used a sponge brush, brushing along the grain of the wood, to cover the top with Mod Podge. I carefully placed the "M" on the box, using a toothpick to adjust it a bit. Then I placed a couple more layers of Mod Podge on the top.
Inside are teeny, tiny little hair clips for M's hair.
If you liked this project, stay tuned later this week for another, but very different, personalized clip holder.
Monday, August 24, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Grandma Rabbitty's Visit (Review)

Speech Update
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Featured On...
Magnetic Fun
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Egg Carton Shake
Friday, August 14, 2009
Moon Magic
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mail Time!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Homemade Stencils and Free Art
They were cut using an Exacto knife.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Play-Doh Placemat
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Three Little Pigs Puppets
I had so much fun designing the puppets. They're my own design, but I did look at other puppets and drawings of pigs and wolves to try to get an idea of how to best portray the pigs and wolf. The little pockets on the pigs have hay, sticks, and bricks in them.
Each of the Three Little Pigs characte's puppet is completely hand-sewn. They're about 1 1/2 by 3 inches. Obviously, I am not good at French knots, but I got the blanket stitch down! Not including the designing time, I have six to seven hours of sewing involved in the four puppets!
I wanted to share these for the storytelling theme over at ABC and 123. Though M isn't interested (probably due to her limited speaking abilities) in storytelling, she does like it when I tell stories using puppets. I suspect other children might embrace little finger puppets more than she has! If you have any questions about how to make finger puppets, I'd be happy to answer them! You're welcome to imitate my design, but I'd appreciate the credit since I put a lot of effort into the design.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Pre-K Materials Giveaway
Monday, August 3, 2009
Planning Time
- Hubbard's Cupboard - Detailed lesson plans. It has a curriculum for many different ages. It seems simple, and it has lots of pictures. A Christian curriculum.
- ABC Jesus Loves Me- This may be a bit advanced for M, since it starts at age 3, but it's still an excellent resource.
- Preschool Express by Jean Warren. Jean Warren also has lots of books at our tiny local library for preschools. Great learning resources, but not a curriculum. You can find great unit ideas though.
- Bible Story Sundays- This is new and awesome. I want to do some major themes from the Bible, and I already see this as a great resource for ideas. I will also be able to share what we do, if I want to.
- Various other blogs/sites that I frequently visit like ABC and 123 and The Home Teacher's Wiki site for ABC ideas. Many of the blogs I visit incorporate lots of meaningful actitivities into their lives each day, but these two sites I am including bc they have their activites so organized.
Of course my local library (especially when I can use two county (on-line) libraries, plus our church library!) is a great resource. I will continue to use it for children's books as well as preschool teaching resources. I really appreciate having two libraries (in two states) within 15 minutes of my home. Where I grew up there wasn't (and still isn't!) a local library within the school district.
I have signed us up for Community Bible Study (CBS). It's a national interdenominational organization that does a great job teaching adults and children. The children's program is awesome, too. I was part of it for two years before. I'll be starting at a new location this time though. If M doesn't go to preschool, this will be a good, structured learning environment for her to supplement Sunday school and Toddler Church.
I'm just starting to think about what to do, but it's hard since I only want to plan a bit since we may not need it for too long. Some things I hope we do before mid-October are apples, moon, family/me, Creation, and Noah's ark. We'll see what happens in reality.
Any tips for organizing my thoughts? Any recommendations for anything? I just hope I don't get overwhelmed!
This Simple Home (The New Blog)
How to Make Butter Slime - My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime recipe...