I wanted to share our favorite Easter books with readers. We have several great books, but really, the best one to use to explain Easter is the Holy Bible! As we've been using our
resurrection eggs, I have been reading a lot of text (more than just the single verses I mentioned in the post) to my four year old. She loves it.
Easter at Our House is a cute book that describes how one family celebrates Easter with an early egg hunt, Easter baskets, dressing up and going to church.

I love that the pastor shouts, "Christ is risen!" and it brings cheering and tears. Before bed, the story of how Jesus gave His life for us all is read. This is a cute book with a great message and rhyming text written and illustrated by P.K. Hallinan.

Though it focuses on Jesus' trimuphant entry instead of his death and resurrection,
Little Colt's Palm Sunday is a book I am thankful to have added to our Easter collection this year. Author Michelle Medlock Adams begins the book with the biblical text from Luke 19:30-36. It goes on to tell the story of Little Colt and how he came to be the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. I really love this book, and how it honors Jesus, and yet is told from Little Colt's perspective.
The Legend of the Three Trees
is a popular story that tells how three different trees had big dreams, but God

doesn't fulfill those dreams the way they envision, but all were with Jesus at one time or another. One tree becomes the manger that Jesus lay in. Another became the boat in which Jesus calmed the storm. The last was made into a rough wooden cross where Jesus saved the world from sin. I was thrilled to find this at a thrift store!

Carol Heyer has written and illustrated the incredible book.
The Easter Story
, explaining why Christians celebrate Easter! I love how the life of Jesus is sandwiched between an introduction of Eastertime and some of the things that we think of at Easter-most of all, Jesus! Then it goes on to tell the incredible story of Jesus life, accompanied by fabulous illustrations. This is a fabulous book of explaining Jesus death and resurrection. Though it is appropriate for a 3 or 4 year old, even older children would be engaged in this book. I highly recommend it!
We have a couple more books worth mentioning.
The Miracle of Easter
is a beginner reader. Though published by a secular company, I thought they did an overall good job of presenting Jesus life as an important Christian holiday. There was one statement that I didn't agree with (that before Jesus no one could go to heaven), but really, it was a good book. A "fun" easter books for younger children is
Corduroy's Easter. With lift the flaps it's a fun book. (But then again, we love all the Corduroy books!)
We have a houseful of family coming to visit us this weekend, so I will say to you now that I hope you have a blessed Easter. May your hope be in our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is truly the risen Savior...His gift of salvation is a gift...just accept it. None of us deserve it, but God gave his son so we could join them in heaven one day. I hope to see you there, my friends!
Oooh, some of these I've never seen! I have so many Christmas books, but I hAven't come across as many Biblical Easter picture books. Thanks for sharing your reviews and linking up!
I love the Legend of the Three Trees. I always read that to my K students and I cried!
Catching up on a few things. ;)
We picked up a copy of Little Colt's Palm Sunday this year. Love it! I hadn't seen it before until recently (unless, of course, you mentioned it last year.) Anyway, we like that one.
And there's a little person "calling" for me so I guess that's all the catch up I get to do at present.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
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