During the Thanksgiving holiday, we were staying with Derek's dear grandparents. While there I was examining the bookshelf of old books, once again, and noticed several books by Grace Livingstone Hill. I had not heard of this author, but seeing all of the titles intrigued me, so I asked Grandma if I could borrow another book from her growing up years. She was surprised I had not heard of GLH.
The Patch of Blue
was a really good book. It brought together two very different families. Christopher and his family are very wealthy. His father is president of the bank in town-until the Crash. His father wants to return all of the bank patrons' money, and to help with this he sells everything the family has and moves to other side of town. Chris cannot return to college for his senior year which makes him bitter. To help his family, he takes work at the chain store. Until this time, he has been quite spoiled, but he does eventually become thankful and humble. His parents' faith is not his own. Natalie is very different. She supports her mom and sister with her work at the chain store. Natalie and Chris develop a friendship, and Chris begins to be convinced of God-not just of his existence, but that God is able to use all circumstances for good.
This was such a wholesome book. Grandma described GLH's work as Christian romance, but it was so much more purposeful in its Christian message and also more "innocent" than modern-day romances, even of the Christian genre. I definitely enjoy reading books of simpler times such as books by
Lucy Maud Montgomery,
Maud Hart Lovelace, Louisa May Alcott, and Laura Ingles Wilder. (Linked to my reviews). If you enjoy books about a
simpler time, I would encourage you to pick up a book by Grace Livingstone Hill. Though I have only read this one, I suspect that they are all wonderful, especially since Derek's family has so many of them! They are not children's books, but I would let my teenage daughter (someday) read
The Patch of Blue
. (The characters are just a few years out of high school and the romance is extremely tame.)
Grace Livingston Hill wrote over 100 books. I can't wait to read more of these purposely Christian books. Have you heard of her? Have you read her books? Are you encouraged to read her now? I hope so! Do check your local library, bookstore, or your grandmother's bookshelves!
Annette - I grew up reading Grace Livingston Hill and The Patch of Blue was my favorite out of all her books! Back when I was a teenager (oh..so many years ago - lol) there wasn't the choice of christian romance novels that there is today so my Mom shared with me her GLH books and since then I became a fan.
They are wonderful books and if I had teenage girls, I would definitely feel comfortable sharing these books with them!
Huh. Well, as I mentioned to you I tend to avoid romances and have always lumped GLH into that category. But yours is the second positive mention of her that I've seen recently, both sources I trust! So I may have to rethink this. No promises. But I'm thinking! ;D
I read many GLH books back in the 60s & 70s. GLH and Janette Oke were the main Christian romance writers then. You're right in that there's more to these books than simple romance. I'm buying some of these books in the Kindle format and reading them again. They're even better the second time, Annette!
I have never heard of GLH, but will definitely be checking the library shelves for her books. Thanks for the recommendation.
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