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Now blogging at THIS SIMPLE HOME.

At This Simple Home

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Container Strawberries

I tried a garden a few years ago.  It didn't work.  Or maybe I didn't work (weed) hard enough.  The weeds grew like crazy, and the fruit and veggies didn't.  Grass still doesn't grow in the garden plot, just weeds, despite Derek's hard work.

Even though we know strawberries take a lot of work, and they don't fruit until the second year, we're trying something new.  We have a Topsy-Turvy strawberry planter.  We bought twelve strawberry plants from one of our Cub Scout friends.  And we filled.
 After less than twenty-four hours, I was impressed that the little buds had already opened up and were lovely little leaves.
 Unfortunately, we do NOT have a single place to hang this from.  We bought a shepherd's hook, but it is not nearly strong enough.  (We do not have a porch or deck.)
For now, we are watering daily and turning the planter daily.  Hopefully it works.  Anyone want to take bets? (Not that I am a betting girl...)

If you have any advice on a strawberry planter like this, please do share!  I've heard to be careful not to over-water, and I've heard you cannot water it too much.  (There are drain holes at the bottom.)  


Christy Killoran said...

My thumb is pretty close to black. I hope this works for you!

Bluerose said...

I've been wanting to do one of these with tomatoes! We had planned on making strawberry beds this year, but I guess it will wait until next. :) I hope you have good luck with it!

I've saw The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear around a few blogs saying it was really good. I've got to see if our library has it!

Miller Moments said...

fun! I've never seen anything like that before.

Carrie said...

Huh! I've never heard of container strawberries. I've just seen the tomato types around. (I've never seen the outcome of container tomatoes either!) I'll look forward to seeing if this works for you!

Dorie said...

I had no idea they had these for strawberries! Hope this works for you - fresh strawberries are delicious.

Renee said...

I'm still tryng to learn how to garden so I don't have advice for you. Hoping and wishing you all success.

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