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I have much to be grateful for, including the unhappy baby on my lap as I type with one hand. Our family had a quiet Thanksgiving, including a simple turkey dinner, complete with my first truly successful apple pie. My husband took the Big Kids to see
The Muppets. It was their first theater experience! We love the Muppets. (It is rated PG, but after reading
Plugged In's review, I was pretty sure it was appropriate. Derek says it was.)
In addition to my family and friends and Savior...I am very thankful for this blog (as a writing outlet) and the bloggers I learn from and enjoy. I especially appreciate those of you who have encouraged me by leaving comments or emailing. It is wonderful to get to know readers. I love my blogging friends!!
I hope your Thanksgiving was full of thanks! Happy Thanksgiving!
Glad you had a wonderful day! we had a quiet one too....just the 4 of us :-)
I LOVED the Muppets movie! I saw it yesterday with the kids and it was so much fun. That reminds me I wanted to get the soundtrack!
We love you too!
I'm always typing one-handed now, hence the shorter and less frequent comments.
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