Dr. Brock McNeil, a leading researcher and professor for Lyme, has always insisted that Chronic Lyme Disease does not exist. One man wants to change his mind by making Dr. McNeil's wife, Janessa, suffer through Lyme. He enters their home during the night and places an infected tick upon Janessa. Since she doesn't know she needs treatment, by time she has symptoms, they are intense. She cannot care for her daughter or herself.
Yet, the man who infected Janessa demands that she convince her husband that Chronic Lyme is real. The only problem is that his ego is too big...and he has too much at stake within his career. He thinks Janessa has made up all of her symptoms to save their marriage.
The information Brandilyn Collins included about Lyme, including how few actually get the bull's eye rash, was amazing. (Think about it...without that rash, many infected Lyme patients go too long without diagnosis, and then need intensive therapy...and without it become a Chronic Lyme patient.) She really packed a lot of information into this suspense book.
Over the Edge had my attention, though I did "figure it out" very early on. Despite being able to guess the villain, there was still plenty of unanswered questions and good suspense to keep my attention. I was excited to complete the book. If you know of anyone who has Lyme Disease, I would definitely recommend reading this book to better understand all the problems someone with Lyme may face, but I enjoyed it without having any Lyme patient in mind though I just learned my cousin's young son was just diagnosed.
Thank you, B&H Publishing for sending me Over the Edge for review purposes.
I haven't read any Brandilyn Collins books but everyone who I know that has seems to have really enjoyed the experience. I'll have to try her work sometime!
I won this one, but I haven't gotten it yet. I've saw several reviews talking about Lyme Disease. I'm not familiar with it, so I'm looking forward to learning more about it.
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