As a parent I want to raise my children in the ways of the Lord. I know the Bible talks of discipline...and I even know a few verses. Our parenting problem is knowing specific verses to address specific behavior problems. Here's a resource that is helping me with this very problem!
Doorposts is a publisher that provides unique materials for parents to assist in Bible-based parenting and character training. One of my favorite things at Doorposts is the sample PDF pages for each of the products available. It really lets you know what to expect before purchasing a parenting product!

This is a straightforward book. It's simple and sweet with the question to the child/answer from Scripture format. It doesn't give any additional parenting advice. It allows the parents to find appropriate Scripture regarding parenting all in one place. You can view the first few pages yourself, including the introductory letters to parents and children here, to really see what the book is like!
Doorposts offers many great products, and I am very pleased with Honor Your Father and Mother, but the one I really want and has been highly recommended by a friend from my church (and mom to three boys) is the For Instruction in Righteousness. This parenting book includes Bible verses, object lessons, biblical stories that address different sin issues, and much more.
Doorposts is offering one reader one of their products!
To Win:
Take a good look at the following products and leave a comment telling me which of these four items you think you would like the most. (Don't forget to look at the example PDF's or HTML samples!) Be sure I have a way to contact you (through a blog profile or an email address). These are all great products, so check them out!
Honor Your Father and Mother
The Put On Chart
A Checklist For Parents
If Then Chart
Extra Entries: Leave a separate comment for each additional entry.
Visit Doorposts and tell me another product you would like to have. (1 entry)
Tell me a verse that helps you in your parenting. (1 entry)
Follow my blogs with Google Friend. (1 entry each)
Giveaway ends Saturday, May 15th, at 7 pm (EST). Winner will be chosen by
I looked at the website, and I think the Family Fun Package would be nice.
I think I would like the Put On Chart because this is something we are really emphasizing with R right now. She is all about "looking like a princess" and checking herself out in the mirror, etc. lately. When she asks if she or her outfit looks cute we think OH NO...and say "Yes, and you know what is even more important? That you have a smile on your face, act sweet to everyone, and do what Momma, Daddy, and Jesus want you to do...ETC.)" We are realizing the job ahead of us as a mother to a daughter - balancing the right amount of everything...
I follow your blogs!
Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you ALL DAY long. Psalms 25:4-5
Only one? I love their stuff, and someday will order from them soon.
I can't quite decide between "The Put On Chart" or "Checklist for Parents." Hard decisions.
I follow, still thinking on a verse.
There's a lot I'd love to get, but "The Ruby Doll," is one of the top. There's several others.
Isaiah 41, "But they will mount up on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary." I've got that wrong somehow, but there's times when I am so tired. This gives me hope and encouragement.
If I am chosen, I would like to have The Put On Chart. I'm struggling to teach my son (only child) to put on the character qualities of God's children, because I myself struggle, especially with patience and meekness. I'd love to have The Put On Chart for myself and for my son. - Michelle,
P.S. I didn't understand the Select Profile answers so I just put my email address.
I signed up to follow your blog! - Michelle
This verse speaks to me about my own selfishness. "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Phil 2:3 Its easy to yell at my son from the computer, or be grouchy because I have my own agenda of what I want to do this day. I need to be the mom that Jacob deserves and the mom that God created me to be.
Another product I would like is "Hidden Treasures - Digging Into The Book Of Proverbs With Your Family" to help instruct my son when we read Proverbs. I also like The Character Training Package. If I had to choose one item out of the Package, I think I would most like to have the Blessing Chart so that I would be sure to encourage Godly behavior in my son instead of focusing on telling him how not to behave.
These look like terrific products! I like The Put-On Chart...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:
I would like honor your mother and father. I don't feel like I'm doing so great in the consistency department lately and I think I need to brush up.
These all look great! I'd pick the Honor Your Father and Mother.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I can't decide! I really like the "Checklist for Parents" and the "If Then Chart"
I follow you blog!
I would also like to "For Instruction in Righteousness"
"Children, obey your parents in all things, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged." Colossians 3:20-21
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