In an effort (once again) to try to be better organized in my life, I think I may have finally found something that works for me. Weekly lists just don't work, but I have found that keeping a
calendar on my refrigerator does work to keep track of therapy (in the past), school, meetings, appointments, and due dates (not babies, library books). However, I like my calendar normal size, and I have plenty to write on it already.
Knowing my inclination to use calendars, I created a weekly calendar personalized for my needs.

This is what it looks like. Ready for the best part? I laminated it! So now I won't be wasteful of paper! I already had a wet-erase marker, so that is effective for now.
As you can see, I included my "issue" areas: cleaning and dinner (and other stuff that I might forget about.
As for cleaning, I tend to vacuum on Mondays, but the rest of the house is just "as needed." The bad part is when I finally get around to it, the cleaning is no longer just's past due. I really think this will help me to clean more. Maybe not a lot more, but more.
I have tried monthly meal planning, and I find that I miscalculate leftovers and such. So I'm always "off." This, used in conjunction with my dinner ideas list, should be effective for knowing what we're going to eat and when.
Then there are things I just need to do. Of course there is always those pesky phone calls to make that I easily forget about like to make an appointment. It might also be when I need to go some where.
If you would like to try this idea and don't want to create your own chart, I'd be happy to email it to you, just be sure I have your email address. (You could even change the text to make it more personal.)
I would love to try this out!
This is such a great idea. I have been trying to find a system but I haven't come up with a great way to write it out. Would you mind emailing me yours?
I want one for sure. I have tried lots of different things even doing meal planning on Google calendar b/c you can move the days around but I need the visual. Thanks.
It's a very nice tool. We have a weekly wall calendar - we use different colors for different people, and it works fairly well. We spend 30 min on Saturday discussing menu and plans for the next week, and then we are all set to go.
You and I are so much alike in this respect. I know we have discussed this before. I find calendars helpful too. I'll have to try this! Thank you!
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