How to Make Butter Slime
My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful
second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime
Now blogging at THIS SIMPLE HOME.

At This Simple Home
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Final Countdown
My Oops:
On Thursdays after M begins preschool, I will pick her up after Bible study (instead of the bus/van that will usually transport her). I wanted to see how long it would take for me to get from my Bible study to the school, so on Thursday, on the way home from Bible study I drove to the school.
M has been asking to go to school, so I did not intend to disappoint her by showing her the school again without getting to go to it.
I was shocked when M announced, "School!" Oops, I guess the building is a bit distinct. Thankfully she accepted that we were only saying "hi" and "bye" to the school and not playing. (If you want to read more about our classroom experience, go here.)
The IEP:
Thursday we also had our Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. It was pretty straightforward. It included the results from M's evaluation report (which we had already received), goals/objectives, how the goals would be measured, and recommendations for services.
They had recommended the speech and language classroom four mornings per week (as we expected). In addition, she will get speech therapy there. They had recommended one 30 minute group session and one individual session per week. We requested a third session (group), and Friday we learned that will happen. That makes me happy! M and her teacher will also have on occupational therapy consultation monthly, but no real therapy for M.
The Question:
We still don't know how M will get to school. The local school district provides transportation, and we are accepting it. However, I would like to prepare M. She thinks she is riding a bus, and will be horribly disappointed if it's just a van. I also think it will be easy for her to hop on a bus and say goodbye, knowing that she is going to school. A van (though she has never ridden in one) would not feel "special" to her.
I was told that we should know by Wednesday. Ugh. That will be a long wait.
Days Until M's Birthday: 8
Days Until Preschool: 9
Days Until E's Birthday: 15
So right before M's first day of preschool we'll have overnight company and a family birthday part. Then before her second week of preschool we'll have different overnight company and another family birthday party! WOW! I know some would think my life is rather dull, but we always seem to have something happening!
We'd appreciate your prayers during this time.
Nine (not including today)
M's school,
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This Simple Home (The New Blog)
How to Make Butter Slime - My daughter has been asking to make butter slime. With a very successful second and third tries (not first), we thought we'd share this butter slime recipe...
I'll be praying for you.
I will keep you all in my prayers that the whole school thing will go smoothly. I know it's a huge thing. I can't believe that it is birthday time again already wow, how time does fly.
I hope that Meghan will love her school. Can you believe that our girls are turning 3 already? Time surely flies!
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