Tuesday, August 17, 2010

End of School and Coordinating Cards

My daughter just had her last day of preschool in her speech and language classroom.  This is a huge praise because it means that her speech has come so far.  She no longer needs such intensive services.  (You can read our big speech update here.) On September 1st she will begin school at a local regular school.  (Can I tell you how I fear that she will learn lots of bad things to say?)

M had a teacher, two aides, and an SLP at school.  I wanted to say thank you to each of them.  Should I tell you my plan for gifts so you can laugh at me?  My intention was to make them each a card, a wonder wallet, and a small gift card to go in each wallet.  I also wanted to make them my chocolate chip cookie pie to share.  (I chose to go with one pie to share since some people are hesitant to eat something from a child's home.  Not all, but some.)

The reality is that my husband was out of town last week, and my daughter was pretty sick (with an ear infection, strep throat, and cold).  We had two different doctor's appointments and a chest x-ray.  She missed three mornings of school, but thankfully did make it to school on her last day!  (Somehow my son stayed healthy.)

Based on my very limited time, I only made the teachers thank you cards and gave them gift cards.  So much for sewing and baking.  Speaking from my teaching career, the personal note is the most important part, anyway, and I made sure I completed that!

Recently I have figured out that card making takes a lot of time, but it's much more effective if I try to do more than one at a time or at least cut lots of things out at once.  I made four coordinating thank you cards.  The photo may not be great, but the cardstock background is cream with green and lavender details.  

Someday I am going to make cards in advance, but for now I just try to cut out extra shapes and even words from the Cricut.  I just love handmade cards, and try to make them for a lot of our card needs.


  1. I agree that the note is always treasured most! I love the cards - the colors are great - they match your blog design!

    I'm glad to hear that M is feeling okay now and got to attend the last day of school. Good luck with the new school.

  2. Your cards are super cute! And I'm so sorry that M was so sick.

  3. Hand-made cards give the message that you care to take the time to do something unique for another person.

    As for fear that your child will learn "bad language", just keep teaching what is right. Kids need to learn to discern and make choices. Being a role model goes a long way!

    I always say a prayer every morning with my children before they go to school and this helps them cope with challenges and to remember who they are and to keep integrity.


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