There are other books in the Circle C Beginnings series that I hope to get soon, too! Not only that, but Andi grows up! For 9-14 year olds, Circle C Adventures will be exciting! Author Susan K. Marlow has some well-written, enjoyable books here! The Christian message is rather subtle but there. It's perfect for sharing with non-Christian readers, too. Thank you, Kregel Publications for sending these books to me for review! They'll be long enjoyed, first as a read aloud, and then as independent reading. I highly recommend Circle C Beginnings!
Lori Z. Scott has written the Meghan Rose books. Though it's been years since I read the Junie B. Jones books, I think the same audience would enjoy them. (One thing I definitely want to point out is that the Meghan Rose books use appropriate grammar and mean words are not used, unlike Junie B! I know that has been an issue for many parents-and teachers- with the Junie B. Jones series.) Meghan Rose is a typical first grader. She has opinions and is happy to share them. She's smart-sometimes too smart. Sometimes she makes poor choices (typical first grader!!), but she comes around to see the error of her ways. The Christian message is there, but not "in-your-face."
We have several of the Meghan Rose books. (I won them over at a great site called Christian Children's Book Review.) Then I bought a couple for my church's library, too. I think they're great! To preview the books before sharing them with my daughter, I read Meghan Rose Takes the Cake and Meghan Rose Knows It All. I really enjoyed both books and the mistakes, mishaps, and even Meghan's misdirected thoughts and actions. Through these books, she learns her lessons and figures out what God would have her do. I also like how Meghan Rose has to deal with a mean girl. There are plenty of illustrations to keep young readers happy, too. The books are short (less than 100 pages), but the final pages are filled with questions (with Bible application suggestions!) and extension activities. Since Meghan Rose Knows It All shows how much Meghan knows about rocks, there are lots of rock-related activities. (The best part is that Meghan Rose learns the difference between knowledge and wisdom!) In Meghan Rose Takes the Cake, Meghan and her classmates learn to be generous and creative as they earn money for their school's penny wars.
I really love the Meghan Rose series. However, I do have a complaint...I not going to share them with my daughter yet! Since the main setting is Meghan's first grade classroom, I feel that there is too much school "stuff" (spelling tests, principal's office, penny wars, announcements) to have them be a great read-aloud now, though they are appropriate for ages 4-8. If my daughter was in kindergarten now, I'd share them, but we have another full year before that happens. Isn't that a funny complaint? Regardless, this is another great series, and I highly recommend Meghan Rose and think school-aged kids will love them!
You might be interested in the Meghan Rose website or the Circle C Beginnings website to get a better idea of the books. Then, go out and buy some of these books or request them at your library!
I've heard good things about Circle C beginnings. Now that I know you've read and approved I'll take a closer look. Because the feeling of a safe/good book recommendation is mutual, my friend!