Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Girls' Night Out (Mother/Daughter)

Last night my little girl and I had our first Girls' Night Out.  We went to the "local" mall.  I had some errands to run that couldn't wait.
First, I have to say how amazingly social my 4 year old is.  She really always has been, even when she could not talk at age 2, she was still excellent at communicating!  Well, she is a little chatterbox now.  She loved interacting with sales associates and telling them all about herself.  One in particular really enjoyed M's company.

This morning we were talking about our special night out.  For the next Girls' Night Out she has requested that we throw money in the fountain and eat.  She didn't care for the shopping, though you couldn't tell last night. (I can't blame her!)  You see, we got an Auntie Anne's pretzel.  (Okay, I had a coupon for buy one, get one free, and we both had our own.)  When I paid, I dug out a quarter from my wallet and asked for 25 pennies, hoping that this newly renovated mall would still have a fountain AND that we would find it.

I was excited when we came to the fountain!  M immediately remembered that we can throw money in it, though I suspect she has only done it twice.  (We rarely go to the mall.)

When we got home, she told my husband that it was Boys' Night Out the next day.  (She wants to stay home and just watch television like the boys did while we were away.)

The other highlight of the night is that M finally got to see the hospital where she was born.  Since we pass by where her brother was born every month or so, she has been asking about where she was born, and she finally saw it!

I am totally ready to do this again, though next time maybe we'll get an ice cream cone and head to the park to enjoy God's creation (because by then it will likely be warm), despite her request to repeat last night.  What do you do to make your children feel special?


  1. That is just sooo cute!

    My boys like a date to Starbucks. They get chocolate milk in those little boxes and think that is just the bees knees!

  2. We also take turns taking our kids out separately so they get one-on-one attention. My 10 year-old daughter loves shopping so we go to the mall together and it really is a bonding experience. She is growing so fast, it's important to understand how she thinks and feels about things.

  3. How sweet!! She will always remember these dates! I'll have to start thinking about date ideas for each of my 3 men. :)

  4. That sounds really fun! She'll have a good store of special memories with you over time with these mother/daughter night's out. That's a great idea!

  5. That sounds like a very nice outing. I take turns taking just one child with me, when I have grocery shopping, or erands to run.

  6. We do occasional nights out like that too. My kids LOVE it. We split up with between, Jeff, myself, and my Mom.


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