Monday, March 14, 2011

Painted Snowman

On one of our snow days I thought we would just have fun painting to refresh us.  (Granted, snow days are pretty much behind us, but I still thought I'd share.)

M began painting the snowman with near-perfect circles of white paint on the blue construction paper.  I loved it!  It wasn't long until she started painting the entire scene, covering the entire paper with snowy white paint.  

Honestly, I was a bit disappointed.  There was no longer any distinction between the snowman and the rest of the paper-not even the circular brush strokes.  

To help M make a snowman in her snow scene, I tinted some of the white paint with purple.  She made a lavender snowman.  I wanted to make it sparkle, so I added salt to the picture's snowman.  Then M used a permanent marker to add the hat, face, buttons, and arms.  

She certainly had fun with this, and liked the added salt sparkle.  If I were to do it again, I would have her add the details before the salt.  Even Sharpies didn't want to write well on the salt.

(Glitter is just about forbidden in our home, and I don't mind avoiding it all together.)

Realizing that M just needed to explore in her own way was good for me.  Coming up with a solution to enable her to create the snowman that she did actually want to make was good for both of us, too.  She was extra excited to make a purple snowman!  Flexibility...not my strong suit, but good to be.

E painted snow, too.

I shared about the snow scene made with paper reinforcement stickers last week.


  1. I love reading your glitter alternatives. :) I hate glitter, too. We've used it a few times with crafts and scrapbooking and I think I've pretty much banned it from my house, too.
    Cute crafts, though!!

  2. I wanted to let you know that you won the PJ stamp giveaway at my blog. I need you to email me your mailing information so I can send your information in. Congratulations!


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