Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winner and a Note

I wanted to share that I will take a few days off from blogging while I attempt to make several batches of cookies, including chocolate chip cookies, to share with friends, write Christmas cards, and maybe a couple other things.  I really try to make Christmas cards personal.  I prefer not to just sign our names to them, and for those we rarely see, I really like to write a long note.  I am very, very bad at staying in touch with those who do not use email, so I  like to make up for it with personal Christmas cards.

(Ideally I would still like to sew a project for Christmas gifts and complete my job with the church library, but both are big jobs.  We'll see what happens.  The reality...probably very little.)

Tomorrow is the last day for the Zippo Candle Lighter giveaway!

Janice won the Sharpie and Rubbermaid giveaway!  Congratulations!  Please email me withing 48 hours!


  1. Good luck accomplishing everything! Have a good bloggy break and enjoy those yummy cookies!

  2. Annette, thanks for the giveaway! I sent you an email!

  3. I wants me some of those cookies!!!!!


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