Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homemade Butter for Kids

Back when I taught third grade we had a farm unit that incorporated some nutrition, too.  We made butter together, and I remember it was some of the best tasting butter the students and I had ever had!

Recently, Superheroes and Princesses also made butter...and it reminded me of my previous experience.  Check her out for some more of the scientific reasons as to why the butter is formed.  Well, after making some fettuccine Alfredo, I knew what to do with the leftover whipping cream.

First, I gathered my materials: whipping cream, marble, jar (any clean jar with a lid works).  I added a dash of salt, too.

Place the cream, salt, and marble in the jar.  Seal.  Then shake.  Shake.  Shake!!

The marble speeds the process a bit.  Keep shaking even after the marble stops moving around.

Eventually, you will have a solid and a liquid!  Think of Little Miss Muffet.  The liquid here is called whey.  The butter is made from the fat in the whipping cream.  Whipping cream is preferred over milk because it has more fat in it.

To do this properly, you should remove the butter from the whey and rinse it in cold water.  

Be sure to enjoy the butter!   

I prefer my butter at room temperature, but this was stored in the fridge.

I'm linking up with Science Sunday at Adventures in Mommydom!


  1. I love this! I remember doing this with my older kids. You know Selena and I will do this someday ourselves!

  2. I think this is such a fantastic idea for families to do together. I had no idea you could make butter like that. Its so simple!

  3. My kids were so amazed that we actually made butter. I'll have to do it again with them. This just reminds me of the sun bread we made to go with the butter - it was so good.

  4. Huh, I knew the liquid from cheese was whey, hadn't known that about milk.

    I wonder if my kids would shake it enough? Or would I end up shaking it?

  5. Never knew to add a marble to speed up the process. That would make it so much easier with littler children's shorter attention span.

  6. My son did this awhile back in preschool. I completely forgot about it until now. Maybe I'll try it again with my youngest.

    Great tip using the marble, I never would have thought of that.

  7. This is such a GREAT idea! Thank you so much. Sounds yummy, too!


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