Though I prefer to use a (rather large) study Bible at home, when I attend Bible study or church, I prefer my compact, little Bible that Derek gave me when we were engaged. I also use it when completing my Bible study so that I know the answers come from Scripture, and how I interpret it, instead of what the commentary says.
Older children may appreciate a small Bible, too, complete with the Old and New Testaments. Zonderkidz has many backpack Bibles that fill this need! With colorful leather-like covers, these Bibles will appeal to adults and children alike.
The Super Heroes Backpack Bible is a great choice for any child who loves superheroes and wants a compact Bible. In classic red, blue, and yellow cover reminds me of Superman, but I appreciate that it's only the idea indicated, and not truly copied. It is an NIrV Bible with a dictionary and list of 92 great Bible stories. Also included are sixteen full-color cartoon Bible hero illustrations (that I think would be quite appealing to boys) and a verse about that hero. Below Joshua's illustration Joshua 1:9 is included. "Be strong and brave. Do not be terrified. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go." The NIrV is a good choice for a young independent reader, by the way!
Girls and women might be more inclined toward the KJV Pink Graffiti Backpack Bible. This is another compact Bible. It includes the words of Jesus in Red, a concordance, and something I love in a Bible- a ribbon marker (in bright pink). Without illustrations or other child-related features, this makes a great choice for children and adults who love God and like pink!
My friend, Dorie and her husband, present their children with a slim Bible when they are old enough to sit with the family for the sermon instead of attending the children's church service. At this age, they like their children to read and learn straight from God's word without the add-ons or study notes. I thought that was a great idea and wanted to share it with you. (Be sure to check out her versatile, encouraging blog Just Next Door!)
Do you have plans or traditions for giving children Bibles? I would love to hear! If you are looking for a children's Bible, but are not ready for a backpack Bible, you might want to check out our children's Bible reviews.
Thank you Zonderkidz for giving these products to me for review purposes.
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