Monday, July 26, 2010

ABC Speech Picture Book

About a year and a half ago, it became very clear to us that our daughter, then 2, was more than just a late talker.  At 27 months she was diagnosed with a speech disorder, apraxia.  (You can read our apraxia story by clicking the link.  We praise God for her leaps and bounds developmentally!)  

Knowing M would not outgrow this, but she could overcome it definitely motivated me to do what I could with her.  My husband and I learned a lot from M's speech therapist, but I also made sure that we played purposefully as much as possible.  M loved to complete crafts with me, and the ABC Speech Book is just one of the projects we had fun doing together.  

First, I cut all the letters of the alphabet as large as possible, of the alphabet.  (I just eyeballed the letters as I cut them.)

Please read the newly updated directions and suggestions for the ABC Speech Book at my new blog.


  1. I love the new look!

    How great to have this book as a keepsake too.

  2. Cute book! I have been meaning to make one with my son for awhile now and just never get around to it.... you might have just motivated me :)

  3. We may do a book next year for the whole alphabet. This year we made separate books for each letter, here is a link to the one I actually posted about:
    I also used Google images a lot and we learn the sign for the words we are focusing on.

    I actually stopped over because Ticia over at Adventures in Mommydom mentioned you do giveaways and I was trying to find out how I could get into that. Would it be okay if I emailed you? I guess you could contact me over at my blog or my email:
    Thanks for your time.

  4. I absolutely love this idea! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. What a rest idea. We are also dealing with a speech dely. My dd is 5 months.

  6. Lol, I mean 25 months, not 5!! ;)


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