Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cutting Practice: Cutting

We had our first frozen pizza in months, so I was excited to help M make her own pizza.  I was excited to give her another chance at cutting little pieces of paper since she loved making a mosaic.

First, I drew the lines for the slices of pizza.  Next, M painted the "sauce" on the pizza.  Then she cut the cheese.  Though she's only slightly familiar with pepperoni, I drew some circles on red paper for her to cut for the pepperoni.  I wasn't sure if she could cut circles, and if you look at her masterpiece, you will see that she doesn't quite have them down yet.  She loved this little pizza and had a blast making it.


  1. Oh man, my kids would love making this...... Hmmmm, now how to do this.

  2. That is such a fun idea! We need to do this soon.

  3. Fun!

    Miller Moments (Kristi)

  4. What a neat idea. :) I think I will try it with my two pre-schoolers.


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