Monday, March 1, 2010

Preparing for the School Day

Do your children ride a bus?  M rides the bus four days a week.  At the tender age of 3, she is in a five-point harness carseat and there is an aide on the bus.  There are two things we do, nearly daily, in our school preparations.  We sing and pray.

Our bus driver is, um, well, not very consistent.  The bus is scheduled to arrive at 7:36.  Sometimes it comes at 7:28.  Sometimes it arrives at 7:50, or later.  A few times it has arrived after 8 a.m. though typically it's around 7:45.  It is also inconsistent when she comes home at lunch time.

Due to the long wait, I made up a little song.  It's to the tune of "Where Is Thumbkin?"  I am NOT musical, but I can sing this my children.  It might hurt everyone else's ears though.  We sing this just about every day.

Where is the bus now?
Where is the bus now?
Not quite here.
Not quite here.

That is repeated until the bus arrives or I get tired.  I am often tired first.  If not, we end with...

Where is the bus now?
Where is the bus now?
Here it is.
Here it is.

While we wait for the bus I also pray for M.  I always ask her if she wants to pray with me.  Once in a while she says no, and then I just pray out loud for her, but not with her.  Usually she is quite excited to have me pray with her for a moment before she's off to school for the morning.

I know not everyone has that "option" and you might have a much crazier morning.  Trust me, when the bus comes early, we are not always watching for it.  Since the weather is cold and the driver inconsistent, we watch from inside.  Thankfully we live near the cul de sac of our road, so traffic is not an issue.

Do you do anything special in the mornings before school?  I know one day (soon??) we will be in a frenzy every morning.  Until then, I'd love to hear what you do so maybe we can improve our mornings!

Donald Crews is the author of Freight Train (click for our craft) and some other great picture books.  School Bus is one of them!


  1. Cute idea. C's bus driver is pretty consistent but I'm one of those nervous people who is always afraid we'll miss the bus so I always have him ready early. We'll try your song this morning.

  2. Love your song. What a special time for you and M as you wait for the bus.

  3. We drive Anna to her preschool, so it's a little different, since we don't have to rush to be ready at exact point of time. Anna loves it when I am at home to take her to school. She always insists on reading at least one book before we depart. She is pretty enthusiastic about going to school overall, so morning routine goes smoothly nowadays.


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