Thursday, September 3, 2009

Personalized Barrette Holder

I made this last week, but I am finally getting around to taking/posting pictures. M (not that the photo doesn't say the rest) has been wearing clips in her hair since she was about four months old. Baby clips never worked on her thick, long hair. We've lost a few since we haven't organized them. Hopefully this will work. AND it will be the first item to be hung on her wall. (We're slackers like that. Before we moved she had three items hanging! That was more than a year ago.) I was inspired by Katie's Nesting Spot, but this is my simpler version. Her directions are wonderful!
I bought a cheap unpainted oval at Wal Mart. I painted the edges with a close matching green to the scrapbooking paper I had chosen. On top of the green, I dry brushed white. I used Mod Podge to attach the paper, as well as the lettering that I had used a friend's Cricut to cut. (My next project will be using my very own Cricut! Woo-hoo!!) I chose all capital letters because I don't like the "a" and "g" to be extra loopy for a little girl's bedroom.
I used a hot glue gun for the ribbons. Now I wish they were longer and set further apart. I noticed the clips slide a little on the ribbons. If it becomes a problem, I will place a button at the bottom of each ribbon.
Something I never would have thought of is the backing. Katie suggested using felt to protect your walls. Wonderful idea!
I like this project enough that I will probably do it again, but without the ribbons-just as a decorative piece. You can see more creativeness at Creative Cats Tuesday. (a few days late!)
FYI: We have company coming this weekend and going away for a bit, so I'll be taking a short break from posting. :)

See my newer name plaques by clicking!


  1. What a cute idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Super cute. You know I have a birthday party coming up this weekend..... Maybe I'll make that for the little girl.

  3. Ahhh!! how cute is that! What a fun idea!! I've seen some cute bow holders that seem to take up too much room. This is a perfect size and it's nice that it's personalized too! Thanks for linking!!
    ~Andy @ P@P

  4. Very nice! And also nice that M wears her hairclips - ours will stay for 10 min tops.

  5. This turned out so cute. I really like the colors you used.

  6. That turned out great! it's so sweet! I love the lettering! That button idea sounds genius! ;)

    Have a great week! Safe travels too! :)


  7. It came out so beautifully Annette! I am glad the directions were good enough for you to recreate it. I am never sure how much to include or not. I also really like how M can use it for along time. I keep expecting ER to outgrow the princess phase but there doesn't appear to be an end in sight yet.

  8. Very Cute. I love how you did her name!

  9. Very cute! I've seen things like this before and I think they are so cute and a great way to organize clips! I have a son, so it wouldn't be put to good use here. If I ever have a girl, I will definitely make one of these! :)

  10. I've always wanted to make one of these! very cute!

  11. I have a wooden plaque with an M (for Madison) on it sitting in my craft closet with all intentions of making something like this.....when I get to it!


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