Friday, August 7, 2009

Play-Doh Placemat

I used my handy little laminating machine to make Play-Doh placemats for M and E. (No E does not use it!) A long time ago I used my friend's Cricut machine and cut out the letters to their names. I also have some precut shapes on nice paper. On regular scrapbooking paper I typed the ABC's and numbers 1-10. I placed the letters, laminated, and was done!

It's a really easy project. M loves it. She prefers the side with her name in big letters which didn't surprise me.
If you do not have a laminator, you could use contact paper. If you do that, go with 12x12 cardstock instead of 8 1/2 x 11. You could even take it to a local teacher or office supply store.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! This would be perfect for my daughter who definitely needs more practice spelling her name.


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