Monday, August 10, 2009

Homemade Stencils and Free Art

We have an abundance of lids in our home. For the past couple of months, I have been saving them instead of recycling them. Our first project with them was to make some stencils. I just drew a heart and star on each lid.

They were cut using an Exacto knife.

The first day we tried the stencils we just used crayons. It worked pretty well. (Sorry, no picture.)
Here are some of the hearts we made with paint.
After painting a few hearts, M just wanted to paint.
We used another lid for a painting palette! I love the look of brightly colored paints on dark paper, especially after it dries!


  1. What a great solution for lids! We having so many, I know what to do with them. Thanks!

  2. Great idea! I need to start saving them for stencils - I think Anna will like this activity too.


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