Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday's Favorite Five

I'm hoping to add some personal thoughts most weeks by jumping in with Friday's Fave Five hosted by Living to Tell the Story.

Some favorites this week...

1. Our church.  I love all of it, but today will be my first time at Bible study since October (due to baby's arrival).  Despite the distance, I really appreciate our church.  (Someday I do hope that we will have a church  closer to home so we can be more active and develop more relationships.  We didn't always live 35-40 minutes from the church.)

2. Routine.  I miss Derek's long vacation at home and having our five year old at home, too.  But really, it is good to get back into routine even if I am on duty all night with the baby and there is no more sleeping in until 8 o'clock.  But really, routine is good for all of us, right?  It's also great when that baby broke "routine" the other night and slept till 6 AM, a full 1 1/2 hours past her daddy!

3. De-cluttered bedroom.  While my husband was home for eleven days from work, I finally put several piles of clothes in their rightful places, including my maternity clothes in the basement!

4. Sharing from our abundance.  I dropped several bags of adult clothes, toys, and miscellaneous household items to our local thrift store.  A box of toys are waiting for my sister.  It feels good to share from our abundance!

5. Reading the Bible SLOWLY.  After reading through the Bible in one year, I am thankful to be taking it slowly.  I will be reading and thinking on just one chapter a day!  My Bible 360 blog is also helping to make this a bit interactive with some nice discussions.  This is working well for now, but I know if I want to stay in one book or even one chapter or verse for an extended period of study, I will be flexible.  Join us?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm so glad to get our routine back too! Seems like January is a good time for purging stuff. I have a whole corner of our garage where I have boxes and bags of stuff to donate, pass on....

  2. We're only 20 minutes away from church, but we're used to 5, so it seems like a long way. We're thinking of moving closer when our son graduates.

    I felt the same way about routine -- it was sad for the holidays to come to an end, but kind of nice to get back to the regular schedule.

    I was taught to read my Bible through in a year in my teens, but in later years I've done it at my own pace. I lie it that way rather than feeling I've got to get a certain amount done to check off without getting as much out of it.

  3. I love to get back to routine, as well.

    Your bible 360 blog looks interesting. I'm going to look around!

  4. Sounds like a lot of us are enjoying a return to our routines. We've been purging and de-cluttering around here, too. Our Bible study starts up next Tuesday and I'm looking forward to it. Have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks for sharing MyBible360 Site
    and participating.


  6. Okay I have to go check out that blog you mentioned. Of course I'm only halfway through the whole Bible in a year thing, and it's reminding me of why I don't like that plan. Sigh.....

  7. I like your bible reading goal of one chapter a day. That is very doable and leaves time to dwell on what one has read. I found with the bible in one year plans my goal became to get it done and catch up when I got behind.

    Cleaning out and giving away feels so good. Nice that you've that extra time to do that. It's hard with a little one around.

  8. After living 30 minutes from our church(es--in two states, when we moved), now we live maybe 5 minutes away--it's GREAT!

    I'm looking forward to my routines starting again too.

  9. =D I love that you've jumped in! (I need to jump back in. That's my plan in February.)

    I didn't realize you lived so far away from your church. That would be harder to be involved. We have about half dozen people at our church who live up to an hour away and so they all stay for their own personal potluck after church so that they can fellowship with people. (Anyone is invited to stay, of course, and many do. But they got the ball rolling since they were coming in long distance.) We, on the other hand, live on the same road as our church. We're all of 2 minutes away which makes it hard for us to be late no matter how frantic we are to get out the door. ;)

    YAY for Esther sleeping for such a long stretch! That must have felt SOOOOOO refreshing!!!


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