Monday, December 5, 2011

Picture Collages

One fall Saturday morning when my husband was busy with the children's sports program at our church, I decided to take the kids to the local county park (9 months pregnant).  My purpose was for photos, but they thought we were just on a nature adventure.  We were checking out the oak, maple, and pine trees...and their cones and acorns (well, not on the maples).  Along the way I was taking photographs, hoping to capture a few good ones.  Of my 76 photographs, a few came out well.  I'm thankful for digital technology!

Same photos are used below, but use a different layout.
I made collages of a few of the pictures using Picasa- a free photo editing program.  (It does not store the pictures for you, but uses what is already on your computer.)

Typically, I prefer the picture pile (bottom collage) over the mosaic grid (top).  This time, I may like the grid better.

I have used the collage in the past to create a bit of a fun "summary" of our year to include in Christmas cards.  Oh, and it's cheap, too.  Just the cost of a print!
  Just thought I'd share in case you were interested in making your own.

Just curious...which style do you prefer?  Picture pile or grid?  Does it depend upon photo content?


  1. I like the picture pile version best...just because...I just do. =D

  2. I generally like picture pile better, but I agree in this case I like the grid better.

  3. I love them (and probably the collage best) and have got to do better with things like this!

  4. I have a feeling I would like the picture pile in most cases, but on the top one, I like the grid the best. I had never heard of Picasa. I'm glad you mentioned it!


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