Saturday, October 1, 2011

Giveaway (4 Books) and Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge

Read to the end for the giveaway info!

I'm excited to participate in the Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge again this year!  I just love her books.  MHL is well-known (at least in some circles) for her fictionalized autobiographies called the Betsy-Tacy series.  The books take place in the early 1900's and chronicle Betsy from age 5 through the first year of her marriage.  DELIGHTFUL!

Check out my thoughts/reviews on the Maud Hart Lovelace books I have read so far.

 Emily of Deep Valley ~ My all time favorite of MHL!!

This month I will be posting about my thoughts on the books Betsy Was a Junior, Betsy and Joe, Besty and the Great World, and the final book in the Betsy-Tacy series Betsy's Wedding.  (I actually completed Betsy's Wedding earlier today.  I just couldn't wait...these books are SO good!)  

I intend to take Betsy and Tacy Go over the Big Hill to the hospital this month when the youngest family member arrives.  I won't promise a post about it though...Who knows what I will have time to do after the baby's arrival.  AND the baby could arrive tomorrow...but hopefully we won't be waiting until November for the arrival.  In case you are new here, I'm due on the 20th.  Both of my other children were a full week late though, and I'm hoping to not be induced (though the baby may be a bit big according to a recent ultrasound and measurements).  I have hope though because this baby seems to have dropped.

Oh, and I happen to have a daughter celebrating her fifth birthday this month.  Guess what she'll get!?  She'll be getting Betsy-Tacy in her very own monogrammed tote bag that I already made!  I can't wait to read it with her!

I happen to have extra NEW copies of Betsy Was a Junior/Betsy and Joe AND Betsy and the Great World/Betsy's Wedding.  (Silly, I am  not willing to give my copies away, though I'm always happy to loan MHL.)  These are the new books that are two books in one (so four books total in two volumes), AND they have wonderful MHL biographical information, too.

To enter the giveaway, please be a follower of my blog with GFC.  Then leave a comment telling me why you want these books.  Trust me, you do want them!!  I'd also love to hear if you have ever read MHL before and which books you did read.  If you follow me on facebook, leave an extra comment for a bonus entry.   I will contact the winner by email, so be sure I can contact you.

Giveaway will go through Wednesday, October 5 so that I can get these mailed out in time for you to participate in the MHL challenge-if you so desire.
Giveaway is now closed.
Congratulations, Amy!  I will contact you for your mailing information!  Enjoy!


  1. You know I definitely want a chance at these!! :) I just adored Emily of Deep Valley! My library doesn't have these, except for Besty Was a Junior. I'm not sure I'll get to read it before it has to go back, though.

    I can't wait to find out if you're having a girl or boy!! I've got my guess, but I'm rarely right. :)

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  2. I am now following you in Google Reader. I want to win these because I LOVE all Maud Hart Lovelace's books (I've read them all), but the only one I own is Winona's Pony Cart!

  3. I "subscribed" to you on Facebook. Is that the same as following?

  4. Okay, I am now following you on GFC! :-) (I tend to read all my blogs the old-fashioned way, simply by clicking over to their URLs.) I'd love to win a copy of either book. I'm thrilled to know that Emily of Deep Valley is your favorite book of MHL's, too, because I plan to read it this month!

  5. Oohh, you do have a lot of book reviews. Wonderful! Your blog is going into my reader. Thanks for commenting on my blog!


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