Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer Highlights

Wow!  Summer is over!  It's hard to believe.  Recently, here in southeastern PA we have had very lovely weather!  It is such a blessing to turn off the air conditioning and let the mild temperatures and low humidity be enjoyed.  Below are just a few pictures from our favorite memories from this summer.
Water and mud play in northeastern PA
 We now have a van (in preparation for the baby).
 The Empire State Building
 Both children love the Statue of Liberty!
 Late night stops at the ice cream shop at family camp.  Yum.
 The beach
 And some days, it was just a blessing to stay home!
This summer I had a lot of fun buying children's books at thrift stores (and one bag sale).  I'm guessing I bought about 200 used books.  (I should explain that I bought about 100 for $10 at the bag sale!  The others are typically 3/$1, though occasionally $1 or $2.)  Some were board books.  Most were picture books.  Quite a few were chapter books of varying levels, including for the future.  We haven't read them all!  Many will be shared with others, but most are for our family.  I really need to sort through the books that I put in storage!

Early in the summer, I had shared some ideas for summer plans.  You can go here if you would like to see which of these we accomplished.  We did pretty well, especially for not looking at it for reminders.

Welcome fall...though that means we really need to prepare for this baby!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a fantastic summer. It did go by way to fast. I hope you are feeling well as the new baby's arrival is getting closer. Please keep us updated and let us know when he or she gets here. Maybe we can catch up sometime before that. : )


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