Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Guess where our family went this weekend!
(Up close and personal)
( A different view near our relative's home)

Today we are home.  To make Independence Day a bit of a celebration, yet still low-key, we made lemonade, enjoyed the sprinkler, and intend catch fireflies and enjoy the fireworks from our backyard tonight.

May your day be full of appreciation for our independence and a great country!


  1. Happy 4th to you and your family too. Hope you had a great one.

  2. ANnnnnnd?!?! What did M think of The Lady!?!??!

    Fun, fun, fun! Hope you all had a great 4th of July! We had a fantastic one!

  3. I'll be writing more later, but we all LOVED seeing the SoL, even from a distance!

  4. you were in one of my favorite places!


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