Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day Booklet for Dad

Image from Musings of Me
I totally intended to share this before, but I forgot.  Tomorrow is Father's Day!  Musings of Me has a great printable for preschool through third (or so) graders!  You can make your own Father's Day booklet.

For my four year old, I printed out a handful of pages that I thought she would enjoy using for her dad.  An older child would likely do all of them though!  Since the blanks were somewhat small, and we had a lot to write, I filled in the blanks myself as my daughter dictated her thoughts to me.  She drew her own pictures and colored some, too.

Be sure to check out Musings of Me's other preschool printables and ideas in addition to the free Father's Day booklet!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I'm still trying to put stuff together for tomorrow and might print out some of these...thanks for sharing!


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