Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Plastic Bag Kite (AKA Instant Giggles!!)

Be careful.  Trying this activity will produce Instant Giggles.  Seriously!  

I took two grocery bags and cut a length of string for both bags.  (I gave my older child a bit of a longer string, but both strings were about my arms width or less.)  Tie the handles together with one end of the string.  Give to your two children.  Have them hold the other end.  Run!
Then I showed the children how I to make the bag kite fly by running with it behind me.  Then let the kids run wild!!  My children did not tire of this at all.  
Even after they stopped running, they still took the bag kites down the slide and on the swing.  

A word to the wise: If your children might fight over whose is whose, you might want to use different grocery bags.  Yeah, I learned the hard way.

A second thought:  If you recently planted tiny blueberry bushes (which are literally twigs) and they are not protected by a fence, your child might be so focused on the fun plastic bag kite they may not notice the blueberry twig...and SNAP...when you go to water your blueberry twigs later, you'll find one broken off below the soil.  Yeah.  It's a bit sad.  It's even sadder to know that you already ran over a different bush with the lawnmower's wheel, and there is only one left.  Yep, two out of three bushes-gone!

This is not my original idea, but I have no idea where I saw it whether in a book, magazine, or a friend's blog.  Edited: I suspect it was from Almost Unschoolers, a fabulous and creative blog!  (It may have been a year ago; I'm not sure...)  But this is a must-try activity!  NOW!  Go!  Do it! You will love the giggles!  I think we'll do this once a week all summer.  It won't get old that way.

I'm linking up with ABC and 123...check it out for other great ideas for kids!


  1. How fun...I've done paper kites with my son, but I can't wait to try this with him :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. We've done this, and I totally agree, it's great fun! You also might want to be careful that your children don't decide to wear the bags over their faces - mine always want to try that :)

  3. I had tied the handles together, so I think that prevented the kids from wearing the bags.

  4. I'm kinda laughing because we have this local (state-wide) initiative going on to ban plastic bags. I'm trying to envision my children running about with plastic bags trailing behind them. The local looks!

    (Gotta love how politics sometimes sucks the fun out of life!!)

  5. Too bad about the blueberry bushes.

    My kids will love this.

  6. Thats to funny! And what a simple idea to keep kids busy and active!

  7. We did this tonight and all 5 of my boys (ages 2-9) had a blast! I thought the oldest was going to think it was dumb, but he actually loved it. In fact he and my 7 year old tied theirs' to a stake in the back yard when they were done playing so they can watch them flying in the wind from the window. Thanks for the idea!

  8. Oh my goodness what simple absolute fun! We're definitely doing this - on the summer bucket list! :) Please come over to play this week at It's Playtime (starts later tonight!)


  9. How clever, and so easy!

    I run Fun Family Crafts, a library of craft tutorials geared at kids of all ages. I would love it if you'd stop by and submit this to be featured! (I link to you, I don't post your tutorial on the site) Feel free to submit as many kid friendly craft tutorials as you like! http://funfamilycrafts.com/


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