Monday, May 23, 2011

Homemade Stamp

A while back, we had a 55th birthday to celebrate in the family.  We made a homemade card to give.  We made a stamp, and used handprints to make the card.
To make a stamp for the number five, first draw a block-style 5 on paper. Then turn it backwards and trace it on sticky foam. After cutting it and removing the backing paper, I placed it on a wooden block. I made a stamp pad from a folded paper towel and paint. Then I had my child stamp away on the inside of the card! It wasn't until hours later that I realized that there are eleven fives...fifty-five!
I thought two five-fingered hands would be a nice representation of 55 as well, so I painted hands and attempted hand prints for the front of the card.

Homemade stamps are easy and fun!  Give them a try for yourself!


  1. Lovely! Simple. Cute. Fun!

    Thank you for linking to Kids Get Crafty! Lovely to see you there!



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