Thursday, April 7, 2011

Eagle Video

I may be late to the game, but the live video feed of the new baby eagles is wonderful.  I love it, and can't wait to show it to the children.

Live TV by Ustream
And, yes, this is my third post of the day.  Weird I know.  Some weeks I don't have three posts total!


  1. We have been checking in on the video every few days. It's pretty cool!

  2. We've been watching too - kind of like watching The Truman Show :)

  3. Heh. Well, we came in and checked it out when nothing was happening.

    Bookworm1: "Maybe it's DEAD!"

    haha...Ummm...not sure I'm going to convince them to come back and look again!

  4. I actually watched for a while on my own. If you leave the computer on, you can just listen for the noise of the eaglets. They actually feed quite often (or at least they did tonight when I was watching). I even saw both the male and female at one point. (I watched/listened off and on for a couple hours.)


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