Thursday, March 3, 2011

Changing Blogger Email?

So today both of our email accounts were compromised.  My apologies to those of you who got the email saying I was in UK...And big thanks for those of you who came over to leave a comment to tell me.  (I just recently turned off the comment moderation and now just receive notification of comments, so I actually got to look at comments for a bit and know (not just guess) that the email was hacked into.)

This leads to another thought.  I had actually created an email address specific for this blog a while ago, but don't know how to go about changing the email on an already-created blog.  I would want to sign in to gmail and blogger with the same email address.  Any suggestions?  I know I could change the email under settings to have comment notification change.  I could also change my email in my profile.  But I still don't know how to change the email for the full blog.

It has been suggested that we create a password of at least 10 characters.  Of these characters, to be most secure, it should have 2 capital letters, 2 lowercase letters, 2 numbers, and 2 symbols, but still total at least 10 characters.  I thought I would share this in case you want to make your passwords more secure and more hacker-resistant.   (Suggested by someone who works with the national government.)

Of course a person should never duplicate passwords either, but you probably already knew that, like we did, but hopefully you don't do it either.

As of now, our email account seems okay (though we did lose a few emails today when the hacker deleted some recent emails).  Our other accounts also seem okay, especially now that they have better passwords.

For a few minutes we thought we lost our blogs!  Though I put more work into LLL, our family blog is where I document just about everything.  I would have been devastated to lose that!  My cousin told me she backs hers up to her hard drive every few months.  I'm clueless as how to do that, but it sounded like a good idea.

Looking forward to a quieter weekend!  If you have any advice on changing emails, please share!


  1. Perhaps you can change things through your google account. Log in and see if there is a way to change your email associated while maintaining your account and blog access. Hopefully you'll get things all fixed soon!

  2. I thought you lost your blogs too. I'm so happy to read this. How annoying this must have been. I have to tell you that this whole thing inspired me to change my passwords today. I found the whole thing to be pretty scary. I'm glad the damage isn't too bad.

  3. Oh, so sorry! What a pain to have to set up new email accounts. If you go into Edit Profile, doesn't it let you change your email address? I changed mine years ago and I think that's how I did it.

  4. Oh, I'm going to send you that recipe soon, I promise! Should I send it to a different email or reply to the one you sent me?

  5. I'm not sure how to change e-mails. If you figure that out, let me know! (I was curious to do that once.)

    I got the e-mail, figured there was no way I could notify you, but knew you weren't in the UK! =) Of course! I didn't even THINK to leave a comment! Hello. Anyway, I knew right away you had been hacked and just hoped you'd be able to figure it all out quickly and sort through the issue. No harm done on my end. Just sorry you had to deal with it!!

  6. I changed mine not all that long ago, and I think I just clicked on the change email button. But, I"m not 100% sure. I do know that once I did that it changed the email for logging in to the gmail account I changed it to. I wasn't intending to do that, but it did.

  7. I was wondering what that was about. My email was hacked before. I just changed my password. Hope you can get everything straightened out!


Sorry...too many spammers to not have the comment moderation in use. Thanks for understanding!