Friday, January 21, 2011

Phonics Fun (On-Line)

You might not use the computer for your preschooler.  We do, but just a little.  Actually, it seems like in the past two months, or so, we have been using the computer 1-2 times a week instead of 1-2 times a month like before. 

There are two sites that I really like for M, my four year old. 

Starfall-We especially like the Gingerbread Man and Pumpkin games.  (See above for M's demonstration.)  M actually will do them completely by herself now.  She will even read her younger brother what the questions are (memorized) and the choices-even if she doesn't let him have the option of choosing the answer.  

Duck's Alphabet- This game is from Word World, a show on PBS that is rather clever, in my opinion.  A child can systematically go through an alphabet adventure in this game over time.  My daughter quickly caught on to how to do this game herself.

Once in a while we'll do a Fisher-Price game.  (This site is also appropriate for E, age 2.)  I only visited Nick Jr once, but I printed off some neat phonics word family printables (-ug, -an, -at) when I did.  (And, yes, you can find non-character stuff if you look very carefully.)

Where does your little one go if and when they use the computer?

(Meghan also has her own "computer" that connects into our computer to be used.  She doesn't use it often, but does like it.  She would love to be allowed to use the computer daily...but we don't allow that.  I'm fairly obsessed attached to our laptop, but still want limits on children's use.)


  1. We only have one computer in our house so I have to limit the amount of time the kids use it or I would never get near it! We like these sites too.

  2. Our oldest has possession of an old laptop and we have some games on there for him to play. He loves it and so we have to limit his usage mommy tries to figure out how to limit hers. =P

  3. I love StarFall and want to use it with my son someday. Also love Word World, but right now we are limiting any TV/Comp time for Shrade to pretty much nothing. It will come in it's time. I like the great resources out there that you mentioned. Yes, I'm very attached to my laptop too. :)

  4. A little exposure to the computer and mouse is a good idea. My daughter is in kindergarten and she had to use the computer at school for some of the standardized testing. The Sesame Street website has some good games as well. My toddler like the Elmo Keyboard one.

  5. Thank you for the links. I will check them out. We have a CDRom Preschool game that I installed on my laptop. My 3year old loves it. She does really well too.

  6. My boys also love Jump Start. I just started them on Starfall and they're loving it.

  7. We love reading eggs. It's what got Bear reading really. She gets on the computer 4 times a week at the most for 15 to 25 minutes. It depends where she has ended up in Reading Eggs. J-jo gets three starfall letters every other day.


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