Sunday, January 16, 2011

Children's Books about Death?

M (age 4) has been thinking a lot about death recently.   Though she has not lost a loved one that she remembers, she has been talking about her uncle (who she never met) and heaven.  I was thinking books might be a good way to help her understand a bit more.

If you can recommend a book that would be appropriate for discussing death, would you please leave me a comment telling me the book and why you like it?  (If you are not comfortable leaving a comment, feel free to email at derekannette (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

Thanks for your help!


  1. Here is a post you may find helpful - it has several books that broach the subject of death.

  2. I was given this book when my mother-in-law passed away to read to my toddler - he loves it and it gives us the opportunity to talk about Grandma. It mainly just talks about how great heaven is.

    God Gave Us Heaven by Lisa Tawn Bergren

  3. I reviewed one last year. Others also commented with some other titles.

  4. Nana Upstairs, Nana Downstairs is about a grandmother dieing. Ther'es also a couple of Adventures in Odyssey episodes about death, though I have to admit right now I skip those episodes.

    I know of a couple of others, but am totally not remembering names.

  5. I was asked a few times (i.e. repeatedly) if I was going to discuss death with Bookworm1. But he was 2 when we were going through our death experiences and I didn't think he was quite ready. We've mostly just TALKED about it and he knows that he has some relatives in Heaven and he sees their pictures around the house. I don't think he actually remembers them...or if he does they are only vague recollections. I would be really interested to hear about whatever you might find through this request!

  6. I think these are among the best for younger children:

    Where Do Balloons Go? by Jamie Lee Curtis
    What's Heaven by Maria Shriver
    The Next Place by Warren Hanson
    The Purple Balloon by Chris Raschka
    Michael Rosen's Sad Book by Michael Rosen

    And also good but for older children (Gr.5-8)
    Missing May by Cynthia Rylant
    Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech

    My husband died in an airplane accident four years ago, and it was reading books about death and loss that got me through it. I imagine it's the same for children (or perhaps even more true!)

    Hope this list helps! I plan to create a page about books on death for children on my website [ ] soon but in the meantime if you'd like more suggestions, please let me know.

  7. Thank you, all, for your suggestions! We'll be looking into them.


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