As they work together, they find dead ends everywhere. Too many people want them to leave, and others who are searching for the same book for their own evil purposes. Cameron and Ann continue to search for the Book of Days, despite difficulties.
I have to say, throughout this book I was thinking about how I wanted this book to end. The Bible tells us that no one knows the day or time that Jesus will come back. Obviously, that would be something that would happen in the future, and if the Book of Days was real, then it could foretell the future, including Jesus' return.
Author James L. Rubart wrote a good book. His father died from Alzheimer's while he was writing it. This book is inspired by his father and a verse.
Psalm 139:16~
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Book of Days
was full of good, well-written suspense. (It was not too predictable!) I liked the book and appreciated how Rubart concluded the book. I look forward to reading more of James L. Rubart!
Thank you, B&H Publishing for sending me an Advance Reader Copy for review purposes.
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