Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Her First Book!

M just turned age 4.  She has known her letter sounds for quite some time thanks to some of games (some made up), lots of reading, and the video Leapfrog Letter Factory.  A while ago she started asking how to spell words and identifying (spontaneously) what letter began certain words.  I knew that these were signs that she was ready to begin reading.

We were given a set of books/cassettes of Hooked on Phonics in the summer (or spring?).  We tried it a bit, but M wasn't interested or not ready.  I'm not sure which.  I figured I would try it later, but haven't gotten to it yet.  We have plenty of beginning reader books, but M is in no way ready for them, though she will sound out a word occasionally.

Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning ReadersThe other day I was cleaning in the spare room, and I noticed the Set 1 of BOB Books that we had gotten a year or so ago that I had hidden in the bookcase.  (I think I won them from Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.)  I purposely set them aside so that when they were to be introduced to M, they would be new and fresh-not memorized!

I am so happy to say that M sat down with her daddy, brother, and me watching, and read the entire book of Mat (book 1 in set 1) to us!  I am thrilled that we have all of set 1-twelve little books in all!  In the book Mat, only four letters are used M, S, T, and A.  The word on is also introduced.   By using the simple pictures, we can explore and extend the story a bit, too.

I am just thrilled!  I think she has "read" to us some nursery rhyme books (with the entire book being one nursery rhyme), but it was not truly reading.  This was the very first whole book that she read to us, and it wasn't even memorized!

I saw an idea at the BOB Books website that I think I want to do.  I will write her name in the front cover and the date that she reads each title perfectly for the first time.  What a great way to encourage her!

If you have any suggestions for using BOB Books, please share!   I am thinking we may read focus on one book a week unless she needs longer to master it.  If you have used BOB Books, do you recommend all of them?  I know it's early, but I have a lot of initial enthusiasm for BOB Books!


  1. That is wonderful! Reading her first book, what an awesome accomplishment.

  2. Yeah for M!!! We have those books too and your idea for writing her name and date is a great one! I may have to check out the Bob site too.

  3. We bought the first set of these books (because they are so frequently raved about) and I pulled them out this Spring/Summer (do we do things at the same time or what?) and Bookworm1 wasn't interested. So I set them aside and figured I'd try again.

    He says he wants to learn how to read but when you suggest working on blending letters he loses patience. SO we've started spelling things in front of him so that he has to figure out what we're saying that he is begging to know! =)

  4. That is great! I am a big fan of Bob books. C has read all of them and R is currently on the first set.

  5. I love hearing my kids read, especially those first books. Since my kids learned to read English and French simultaneously, it was double the joy!


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