Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks...

I am so grateful to God for so many things.  First and foremost, His love for me (and you!) that He demonstrated through giving Jesus so that I can be in heaven some day.

I'm thankful for my husband who loves my children and me.  He is a hard worker, but always makes time for the family and working around the house.  I'm also thankful that he keeps predictable working hours!  That may sound weird, but it makes life a lot less stressful when I know when to expect him. He clears his dishes each night and doesn't complain when the house is untidy.  He makes us laugh like no one else can-not with jokes, but with just being himself!

My children are an incredible blessing.  Each day I am amazed at what they are capable of...and what they have overcome in their short lives.  To God be the glory!

Our families may be far away, but many of them visit often.  This year my mom and stepdad were able to visit overnight for the first time in five years.   Not only do our parents visit, but Derek's grandparents visit as often as possible, too.  We are thankful for a spare bedroom (and bed!) that we can offer.  We may not have the chance to visit with our extended family too often, but it's still a blessing to be in touch!

Though we're far from family, we love our home and living in Amish country.  We're exactly where God wants us...and very content in it.

This year I have made real friends.  For too long I was friendly with people, but hadn't taken the relationships to the next level to real friendship.  This year I can say I have developed real relationships with real friends!  I was convicted about the fact that not every friend is going to keep up with us through our blog.

I also am thankful for the internet as a way to communicate and get information.  Staying in touch with family over the many miles is much easier with daily emails to my mother-in-law and blogging about what our family is up to.  More importantly, the friendships I've made through blogging.  Thank you, friends for all of your encouragement!

Not only do I like the friendships that blogging has given me, but I'm motivated to create-on my own and with my children.  Blogging is a bit of a motivator for me!  Not only that, but I get to work with several publishing companies to review books!  I get books for free and all I have to do is give my honest opinion...what a blessing!!   I also appreciate that there are other opportunities, like with CSN stores who offer giveaways and reviews for me!  They have everything from a barstool to a cozy electric blanket that I need.  Blogging is such a great way to get connected with others of a like mind!

Our church is not in the same town (or state) that we live, but it has solid, biblical teaching that we have learned from for the past seven years.  I am thankful for the pastoral staff and all the leaders who help make it possible.  Not having grown up in the church (by this I mean any church), I have grown much in my walk with Jesus since coming to our church seven years ago.

There's more to this list, but I have to stop and give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving, readers and friends!

What are you giving thanks for today, friend?


  1. A wonderful list!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. I love reading what others are thankful for! Wonderful list. Happy Thanksgiving!!! (p.s. I'll look to see if I can find the nativity that we made last year, if not I'll post pictures when we do one this year).

  3. I love reading your blog and getting to know you!

  4. It is an awesome list! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Lovely pics especially the second one.

  6. Thanks for stopping by on my Cherry Cha Cha recipe. I have never heard of pretzel salad.
    It is a very easy adaptable kind of you can use chocolate pudding or's all about being creative.
    Have fun with it.
    I loved your Thanksgiving post on your family.


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