Friday, September 17, 2010

Moldy Applesauce

I could not pop the lid with my thumbs.  There was no "pop" when I checked the lid, so it did the proper pop initially.

But still this jar of applesauce had mold on it when it was unopened.

I don't know how that could happen since the other jars are fine that were made and canned at the same time.  At least it's just one quart!  


  1. Maybe it didn't seal right during the canning process???

  2. Was it home made? Could be a number of things with that particular Jar. Glad it was only one.

  3. Glad it was only one jar!

    Stopping by to let you know you one the Divas of the Divine give away at my blog ~ Congrats! You name has been entered into the KCWC drawing and a they'll choose a winner on 9/20. Good luck!

  4. One word: Ewwww! :) Glad it was only one jar.

  5. FYI- Derek's grandma says it molded because it wasn't full enough. To seal the jar properly it should be 1/4 inch from the lid. It did seal, but must not be quickly enough or something.

  6. Interesting - I've never considered how far upi should fill the jars. We usually eat our homemade applesauce up right away.


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