Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fabric Letter Fun

I had these fabric letters completely cut and backed with paper that prepares it to be appliquéd.  M saw them and claimed them for her own!  Since they were stiff, she couldn't hurt them.

Very soon (before Saturday) they will be part of two gifts for two friends that are celebrating their birthdays.  Any guesses?  I've shown it before on this blog!

I'm glad we don't go to many birthday parties!  I don't have much time to sew!  I actually looked downtown (small town) in the card and gift store for something appropriate, but I didn't find anything.  So I resorted to sewing a gift.  Doesn't make much sense, huh, especially since it won't be great quality.  Well, I figure if I can steal 15 minutes here and 30 minutes there sewing, it will be better than trying to shop at a store which, with the drive, would take almost 2 hours.

I already have the fabric purchased to make this fabric letter alphabet!  The Activity Mom has a different version, too!  I can't wait to make those!  Apparently, they will be a big hit when completed!


  1. You must live in the middle of nowhere; that is fantastic. I often wish that we were out in the middle of nowhere. It just seems so peaceful.

    I like the letters. My kids would want to play with them too.

  2. Lucky gift recipients! I've been wanting to make a fabric alphabet for ages. I have a closet full of quilt fabric. I love to quilt, but with applique, I am always unhappy with my work, feeling like it is imperfect. I've tried all different techniques and can't let go of the perfectionism (not that my other quilting is perfect!). I need to just do it. It's not like the kids judge my seams.

  3. The patterns on the fabrics are fabulous.
    Shopping for gifts can be so stressful. I love that you are taking the time to make something homemade for your friends.

  4. Seriously great gifts. What fun to play with, too.


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