Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Serving Others

About six months or so ago, I knew I wanted to serve more and differently in our church.  Previously, I have worked in the church nursery, but then I realized there was more of a need for teachers in the toddler church.

When I was struggling with being in the same classroom as M, I talked to the children's director about the stress, and seeing if I might be able to serve somewhere else as a teacher, without the weekly commitment of being a Sunday school teacher.  In our church, often couples serve together to teach, but I would need to team up with someone other than my husband, which isn't always easy.  Well, as it turns out, I am now teaching with a young woman in our children's church time.  So far, it is working out great, and it is so good to work with and get to know someone new!
I continued to think about other ways I could serve, in addition to teaching.  Then an idea presented itself, but at a bad time.  (Back in November or so when M had just started school and we were concerned about E's health and getting used to anti-seizure medicine and wondering how bad it would all be.)  The opportunity to serve was to order and process books for the children in the church library!  What fun, but, as I said, it was not a good time for me to commit to something.  I let my desire to help be known, but also said I could not at that time.  Well, as it turns out, no one else stepped forward (and had not in years, so the children's books were definitely in need of some new books).  

It took a long time to make it happen, but earlier this summer I was able to figure out what books our library already had, which ones we needed (that were part of a series or requested), and which ones I wanted to pick for the library.  

The books have arrived, as seen above in the boxes.  This past week I spent several hours learning how to process the books.  That means putting them into the computer, finding the ISBN, filling in all sorts of information, creating labels, protecting the books, and I don't know what else!  I still have to get started!  It will be a huge job, but I think very rewarding, too.  Thankfully, there is no hurry to process these books since in November they will get stored away as our church prepares to expand.  I've been told that right now the goal is to process them, and when the addition is complete, then they will go on the shelves.  It's a big task, but I think I'm up for it, especially since there's no hurry.  

I love being able to serve connecting with two things I am passionate about: children and books!

Have you been able to find a way to serve in your church or community that you really enjoy?  I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Oh, I would love that too. I'm happy you found such a wonderful way to serve.

  2. That would be so much fun, but so tempting to stop and read the books.

    We're teaching right now, and I'm loving that, but also kind of want to do something else.

  3. This Sunday I start as the Toddler Room Sunday School teacher. I'm a little nervous because I can't imagine teaching a room full of 2 year olds! I've also taught Awanas for the past year in the Cubbbies program. It was a joy to help those little ones learn scripture!

  4. I know we aren't supposed to be envious of one another but....really now. I mean REALLY now. =D I think your job is SO COOL! What an awesome way to serve and use your own passions and giftings!

    I like hospitality but we're currently settling into a new church so I haven't been provided with many opportunities to use that gift just yet. We have dates on the calendar with families from the new church and my fingers are crossed that morning sickness will stay at bay while we attempt to get to know others!

  5. Annette,

    I just started volunteering with our church library this summer, too!

    I actually wrote a post for Offering Hospitality on serving outside the home--it should be up in a few days.


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