Friday, August 27, 2010

The Other Side

It's weird.  For years I struggled with sleepless nights in August because of my mind being so full with back-to-school ideas as a teacher.

Tonight I sat through the parent night at M's new school-as a parent.  It's funny how different the parent side of the classroom is.  I know I would be such a better teacher now that I've been on the parent side.

If you have been reading for any length of time, you might find it strange that I bring this up now since M went to preschool last year.  The difference is that her former classroom was provided through the school district.  There wasn't much interaction or communication.  I actually put her on the bus in the morning and didn't need to drive her to school.  The only supplies they asked for were occasional snack donations.

This year I feel like we're part of a real school.  I'm excited for what is to come.  At the moment there are only nine children in her classroom.    I love that!  Of course that may change, even before Wednesday of next week.


  1. I'm glad you are happy with M's new school. I remember when you were worried about making a decision for this school year. I look forward to hearing more about it.

  2. I'm glad the school turned out good. Can't wait to hear more.

  3. I hope the year goes great for both of you. The small class size sounds very promising.

  4. I feel the same way, I would be a much better teacher now that I've been a mom for a few years! Good luck, my oldest still has one more year of preschool before 'big' school. :)

  5. I'm excited for your next step with M! I bet she will have an amazing year.

  6. NINE kids is AWESOME! I hope it doesn't grow more simply because that would be amazing both for her and for you! =D

    Have fun!


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