Sunday, July 4, 2010
Let's Have a Daddy Day
Karen Kingsbury is very well known for her Christian fiction. However, did you know she is also a the author of children's books? I have heard Karen speak twice, and once she read Let Me Hold You Longer
, and the other time she read Princess and the Three Knights
. Her message was for women, and let me tell you, those books held messages themselves...and the first title made me cry!

I had the chance to review Karen's latest children's book, Let's Have a Daddy Day
. It is a well-illustrated, rhyming picture book that talks about lots of different things that daddies might do with their children to make a "Daddy Day" special. Some activities that might be fun are building a fort, catching tadpoles and frogs, playing army rangers or baseball, and good old fashioned wrestling.
What I like:
What's not to like about a book that encourages special time for parents and children? I really enjoyed this book, and I think children would, too. One thing that I think is important to note is that this book doesn't say go do all these activities to have a Daddy Day, but uses terms like "If that fun doesn't work out, let's do this."
The book ends perfectly and says, "So when you're all grown up and you look back upon this day, you'll know how much I loved you 'cause we took the time to play." That's the bottom line, you know? Quality time together.
What I dislike:
Nothing. This was really a nice book. Though it is published by a Christian publisher, there is no biblical references.
Thank you, Zondervan for providing a copy of this book for review.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Karen Kingsbury books! I'll have to add this one to my list for my boys. (btw, i'm back to blogging. :)