Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Vacation

This picture represents my life and parenting well. One child, M, is happy to pose for the camera. Somehow, E, is putting on a sour face. This mom just can't seem to have everyone happy at the same time. Naps, dinner, car rides...we can't all be happy at the same time...and that's okay!

Yesterday was M's last day of preschool for several weeks. Unlike most children, her summer vacation is short! She will attend summer session at her speech and language classroom. In mid-July she will return to school for about a month. Then she will have another summer vacation before starting at her new "normal" school in the fall!

I'm taking the kids away for a week to visit our families.  (Derek will work..and paint...and  play softball and ?)  I will be posting a bit while I'm on vacation!  I know this because I have a really cool giveaway for you, so come back next week to Live, Learn, Love!  Want a preview?  Check this out!

 This will be E's first real hands-on experience at the farm (instead of just looking).  We'll be staying with Derek's grandparents and are thrilled that we can spend daily time with them while visiting the other three sets of grandparents when we are able.   I'm sure we will love every bit of it.


  1. That picture is too cute!

    I love the hand prints for father's day too!

  2. Oh my goodness-they are getting so big!

  3. Sounds like you have a really fun time planned for your vacation. I can't wait to hear more stories from it - the experience sounds awesome!

    Your kids are ADORABLE! =D

  4. Have fun on vacation!

    So, we went on a "photo shoot" yesterday to get pictures to surprise Jeff for Father's Day, and my picture results were much like that.


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