Sunday, June 13, 2010

Father's Day Tool Box Card

Last year M, then age 2 1/2, made six of these tool boxes for her dad and the grandfathers in her life.

She had such fun making the tool boxes that I wanted to share it this year with the readers who may be thinking about a craft.  I'm still trying to figure out what we'll do this year.  Please share suggestions!

This was inspired by Ramblings of a Crazy Woman.


  1. Well, Jeff is so excited to get the boys real bows and arrows......... So, that's his Father's Day present this year........ Ummmm, I'm a little worried. He swears they will only be for use with Daddy. Yeah........

  2. I am also completely undecided - I think I am just going to let Anna free hand a card for her papa. I am just hoping she is up for it - she hasn't been interested much in art since she came down with her cold.


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