Monday, June 21, 2010

Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes

Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes by Judy Hindley (illustrated by Brita Granstrom) is a rhyming book that is just plain fun!  I borrowed it from the library knowing both my 3 and 1 year old would enjoy it!  The rhymes are cute, but the illustrations are even more adorable!
"A nose is to blow.
A nose is to sniff.
A nose has holes
for sniffing with."
Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes: A First Book All About You
A natural follow-up activity for a 1 year old is just to find or identify body parts and play with Mr. Potato Head!  It's definitely one of E's favorite toys, especially for independent play.  Mr. Potato Head is excellent for promoting speech, too!  Not only can a child mimic body parts' names, but you can have them choose which color eyes, what type/color of shoes, and more, as well as, practice words like "push," "on, " and "off."  Remember, your child is learning these words long before he or she can actually say them!   

Can I share one last thought with you?  It's perfectly okay for a child to put the parts in the wrong holes!  I also think that part of the learning process is to occasionally guide a child to place the parts in the correct hole, without moving it from the "wrong" area.  The goal is to have fun!


  1. Cute book -- and I LOVE Mr. Potato Head!!! That is the one toy we DON'T have!

  2. We love to use our Mr. Potato head to make lots of silly faces. I never thought about using it for speech. I'll have to work on that with my littlest guy.


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